One facet of myself Ive come to discover over my college career is the
power of expression. Up till now I've thought of art as it effectiveness as a product. You make art for people to enjoy and its value is found from the
positive reaction of people. Yes this is probably how most successful
and well fed artists are able to survive, but Ive come to see it
differently. Part of my relationship with the world involves a healthy
expression of what is going on internally. Recently Ive found
photography as an awesome art form to express my love for where I am and
wanting to share the beauty with everyone. However, I also enjoy in
drawing, writing, and the occasional non rhyming poetry. So in an effort
to give an introduction to myself Ill post some of my work.
Now with some of my free time Ive developed confidence enough to make my own mini comics that are roughly based on experiences Ive had. I realize their appeal is limited to lifeguards, but I think average people can understand their contents too. Hopefully one day I'll master this art form and be able to tell a deeper stories but as for now these comics are something that make me happy.