Here's my two cents for today...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Living Life Like a Sponge

      I was trying to think of a way to sum up this week and its hard not to think of the contrasting images of beauty Ive seen this week and year in general. Most recently I just got back from stroll down to the Village on UCSC campus, which evidently is one of the oldest University farms in the US.  The Farm usually reminds me of the place where "the others" lived on the show LOST, or at the very least a place where some sort of cult would find residence. However today you couldn't help but take in the sunlight and all the green beauty of the grass and trees.Walking with my buddy Ian we took a lot pictures of the scenery and wild life. Combined with the storm clouds on one side of my peripheral and the sunny Monterey bay on the other you couldn't help but just soak in the amazing wonder of having such an awesome situation. Yes the Farm is usually a place I associate with murder. And it is very odd that every time I go down there I don't see a single person even though the university claims there are 100 students living there, I am still disarmed by the wonder of how much nature can bring peace.

Stevenson Apartments

My path to class

"I wonder at the hardihood with which such persons undertake to talk about God. In a treatise addressed to infidels they begin the with a chapter proving the existence of God from works of Nature... this only gives there readers grounds for thinking that the proofs of our religion are very weak... it is a remarkable fact that no canonical writer has ever used Nature to prove God."
- Pascal
(Pensees, IV, 242,243)

On the Farm


Taking the time to take in and appreciate 
the amazing little things that go around you is my path to sanity and happiness